April 5, 2013

hi hello hai. The longest title in my entire life. impress isn't it?

So.. Hi ^(oo)^
Nak bagitahu, i just got one A for my first exam. Yeay me. Rasa macam nak tembak kepala otak sendiri. Haih. Payah kalau terus hidup macam ni. :o Macam mana aku nak ubah cara study aku? Haih kalau ada penyakit malas ni susah. Benda apa pun tak jadi. Haih how how how how HOW? Mencabar -_-

"Sometimes I hate getting close to people because I think they will just eventually walk out of my life no matter how close we areSue. I miss you Sue. I miss 'we'. I miss the old time. i miss form three. i miss every fucking single thing that happened before. Srsly. Sue i need you to be my adviser. i miss you being so caring about me. I miss you. Blergh why this awkward thingy must be exist? Why we're not like before. Or it just me being over thinking? 

Yeay me being such a weird person. lol gelak la kuat kuat. please? I need something to bite, kill, stab, ripped, scratch and squeeze now. Urgh. i wish i could be Spongebob. You know what i mean. :/ Never think about his problem. Never being sad. Although sometime its annoying to the max with his laugh, jokes, stupid face and stupid action. It just one way to eliminate stress, right? 

I think one of my friend is being like that now. She show full of happiness on face, but in her heart, its broken, full of scratches, full of wound, full of blood. But the saddest things is when she try to be happy, try to forget about her sad things, we broke her down, we laugh at her, we let her down, we just don't think about her feelings at all. We scolded her like she did the worst thing. We mocked her like he did the stupidest thing. We laugh at her because of her stupid actions without we know that 'stupid action' make she feel happy and free from her problem. 

Srsly, i'm not a good friend for her at all. Blergh felt stupid. -__- If you happened to read this. Yes its you. Its you. Please don't hide your feeling. Please let us know. Please make us treat you like you deserve to. Please dont try to be happy when you're not. Please don't. Lastly, please forgive me. Forgive rants toward you. Forgive me for being such a helpless friend. Forgive all my mistake toward you. I love you. We love you. Please be happy. I want the old you. Yes the old you. :') 

So...... what else? Less 7month more to SPM. and im still nothing. lol i don't know what will happen if i still being like this. Fikir fikir balik, gila jugak ah. Nak buat SPM macam aku buat first exam ni? GILA. Mati aku duduk dalam dewan tu. Otak kosong time jawab paper pure science. Then teriak sorang sorang. -______- Haih srsly i need to change it. Dapat result macam ni time SPM. HAMPEHHHHHHHHHHHH. Mati. aku. tak. boleh. bayangkan. i would literally stab myself for million trillion fuckinglion time. Fuhhhh. Hana berfikiran positive. Relax relax. Dah ah, makin lama makin merapu aku. So wish me luck guys. 

*pardon my picture. It just too cute. errrrrrrrrrr Bhahaaha. :p Bye, xoxo. 

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